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Universal Animal Pak

Reviewer: Trent G
Review Date: 05/07/2012
Posted Date: 05/09/20112
Comments: #1 for 20 years. Nuf said!
   Energy: 5
   Mental focus: 5
   Effectiveness: 5
   Value: 5
Overall Rating:  5.0


Reviewer: 51465Thomas
Review Date: 06/09/2013
Posted Date: 06/17/2013
Comments: Didn't get the ultra concentrated value. Need more than one scoop per serving to feel any thing. Not cost effective at all. Concentrated NO WAY!
   Taste : 4
   Mixability : 4
   Effectiveness: 2
   Value: 2
Overall Rating:  3.0

Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey

Reviewer: Timothy P
Review Date: 08/18/2011
Posted Date: 08/23/2011
Comments: Gold Standard! My kind fo protein, fuss mixes very easy and taste as good or better than most sugary drinks.
   Taste : 5
   Mixability : 5
   Effectiveness: 5
   Value: 5
Overall Rating:  5.0

The Supplement Verdict: Add your reviews of any and all products you have tried. All reviews will be looked over for accuracy. This means no review is tossed out but if a product just hit the stores you can't possibly have a good review of that product, come on who kidding who. Also no supplement insiders will be allowed, for obvious reasons. All Supplement Verdict reviews are based on real people trying out products as an addition to their already nutritious diet. We never stress supplements over nutrition, but put the two together and the sky's open for today's powerlifter's and bodybuilder's. Use our information to help you reach your goals. Use check boxes where they apply (i.e. - capsules or tablets do not require a taste rating). Remember: 1(Junk - Don't Bother) - 2 or 3(Fair - Good) - 4 or 5( Very Good - Excellent)

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